Forgotten Dates and Dancing :)  

Posted by: Karla in

So, in the haste of school, all my AP workload, many of the release date for books that I was dying to read have vanished from my mind. *sigh* This week was the first week I had gone to WalMart in a while and I went to the book section, What do I see? The Last Sacrifice. NightStar. Crescendo. I have no money :( and for Christmas I want some KPop CDs. My family is always tight on money so to get more than a couple of CDs is not very possible. Maybe in January :) For now, I am off on books except required history reading and book club books, currently The Adoration of Jenna Fox *awesome*. Also, recently I have been watching a lot of dance covers and I love this one, Hope you enjoy it ^^

Karla ^^


Posted by: Karla

I haven't been posting anything lately, actually for months ^^
School has started and I have been OVERWHELMED.
I have discovered new things. I have become interested in new things, but I have not lost my love for reading though my time for reading has been killed . Grades for the first trimester are not what I'm accustomed to, so much so that I had to prep myself for the day that grades would be final and I would no longer have a 4.0. I don't think I was so much worried because I thought I was doomed, but I knew that it was something that people were not going to expect, and I am some one that likes to meet expectations.
I found the new stats thing interesting. I have had people view my page in South Korea, which is awesome since recently I have made South Korea a place I want to live one day; having fallen in love with KPop. I have always been one to like what most don't or don't know of, and this is no exception since very few people know of KPop, well at least around me :) I recommend it. If you not into pop music, then listen to 2AM or SM The Ballad. It's in Korean but that does not take away from its magnificence.

I will hopefully post more soon, I fell like I need to- for myself :)

WAH! ^^