Random Update
I'm sorry I haven't been posting reviews and updating very often. I haven't been able to read a lot since it's coming down to the last week of school and I've been having to read Lord of the Flies. Hopefully I get to read more this week and those following since I won't be in school. I am starting and continuing White Cat and A Clockwork Orange. This summer has a lot of work. I already went to my AP US History Mandatory meeting and I know my summer assignment and Monday I have AP Language/English meeting and I will get my summer assignment. I'm also a part of Leo Club and we have a new...person, I don't know what to call him, we are going to be doing more service projects over the summer:) I like Leo Club, I'll miss Mrs.Smith. This summer will be busy but nothing will keep me from reading the YA books I love and look forward to, which are A LOT :).
I promise to have more soon. Have an amazingly fantastic day :)